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Musings of Africa Pt. 7:
There are gifts that I’ve always wanted to have. I’ve secretly envied the people who see images and get prophetic words for others. I’ve...

Musings of Africa Pt. 6: Spiritual Giants
I've always wanted to know what the conversations, the relaxed time, the tense and offended moments are like for the people I glean from...

Musings of Africa Pt. 5: Challenged Love
I had predetermined to never make a post or statement about these kids' or these people's work ethic. It felt far too stereotypical even...

Musings of Africa Pt. 4: Uncomfortable
You think this is glitzy- standing in front of these sweet kids, all eyes on me, their full undivided attention. But the truth is I was...

Musings of Africa Pt. 3: Identity
Many times, we identify these kids by their lack: "they're orphans". But I have a sneaky suspicion that they have a better handle on...

Musings of Africa Pt. 2: You Eat What You are Given
Anyone who knows me knows me, knows I have a complex relationship with food. I love food, but only certain kinds of food. I don't eat...

Musings of Africa Pt. 1: Coming Home?
I recently returned from a week long missions trip to Africa. While there, I had numerous soul stretching experiences that I'm going to...

What makes a strong Mother-Daughter Bond?
I believe one of the biggest ways the devil steals from us is in laying out expectations for our lives that go against the Word of God....

There are times where we can faintly (or not so faintly) tell that God is trying to lead us into greater surrender with Him. Get up...
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