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Baby Steps in a Love Revolution
We are going to disagree. It is the nature of diversity and individuality. This is a gift. But what happens when differences are not...

The In-Between
Sometimes God brings us to pauses or holding patterns in our life. Those times are opportunities for us to pass the test and develop in...

Live It!
Have you ever struggled with finding practical ways to live out your faith? Like what does that even look like? Listen as I share the...

Count Your Single Blessings
People frequently refer to singleness as a gift. That’s a difficult notion to reckon with when you feel like everyone else got the...

God Don’t Waste Nothin’
You know, sometimes I get really frustrated by being single. I find myself wanting to be somewhere else, further along in various aspects...

“I Do” Won’t Fill You
“I don’t need you. I hope you see the beauty in that statement. I don’t need you, I need Jesus. But I choose you.” So went the custom...

In Between Part 2
“Growing older is mandatory, but growing up is optional”- Walt Disney (hopefully) I used to think that I worked best under pressure,...

Making Quiet War
Sometimes I just have to say, “I believe God.” Whether it’s in direct defiance of Satan whispering in my ear or to back myself off the...

Maximize Your Singleness
I graduated from college a little early, two years early to be exact. With that I was tossed into the world to participate as an adult...

On Why I Cut My Hair
When I first started out as a high school teacher at the tender age of 20, I quickly began to realize something about my even younger...
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